Hey there: remember to join me for tonight’s “Ask Me Anything!” livestream, exclusively for paid subscribers. Take part live, watch later on-demand or listen in your premium podcast feed.
I have cherished getting to know you this year. 2024 is shaping up to be intense for every reason we can think of. My goal is to make sure we always have a sanity-saving space that welcomes us as we are. We’re off to a great start building The Night Light as that space. Let’s keep it going in the New Year.
If you’re a free subscriber, you can take part in the AMA by signing up for a 7-day trial membership. Then sign in at nightlightshow.com, and click this post — the link will be there.
You’ll also access all my previous posts, including my occasional series of “From My Heart” essays about lessons I’ve learned in this chapter of my personal journey. This past year has been like a Ph.D. in Resilience Studies, but I’m definitely wiser for it.
And let’s make it a 🌟30-day free trial🌟, instead of 7. Click here to claim this special offer (expires December 27th). Happy Holidays!
Comment on this post with your questions, or email joshua@nightlightshow.com. You can also put your question in the YouTube chat during the live stream.
Thanks very much. See you tonight at 7:00 pm ET!