Oh my goodness! You have the patience of a saint! I would have told off that fool way before you did.

But I did note one thing - you mentioned being Gay - but also being more than sex. That was what I had to learn when my best friend came out to me in our 20’s. So as he explored belonging to a new community, I went along as his ‘*ag’ (was the word back then & I objected to it then too). Anyway, I got to meet a lot of gay people & listen & learn & frankly, while sex was strong back then, it was Always just one component of each person. People are complicated & fascinating & worthy.

I lost Ammon when we were just 40 to cancer. I still have a great relationship with his family & miss him every day. He taught me so much. Thank you for talking about your life experiences. And for laughing.

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Thank you for sharing this with me. I'm sure Ammon's absence is still felt in your life, but I'm glad to know him through your story. And yes, that *word* remains a sore spot for some, though I think current generations aren't as bothered by it! (At least, not last I checked - by the time I finish typing this, who knows.) Owning that complexity can be fascinating, once it stops being nerve wracking, but it's necessary if we're ever going to live with one another. I appreciate you reaching out... and I'm glad I made you laugh!

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